World Of Warcraft Blog 「ギルドONSENは一緒に遊ぶメンバーを 大募集しています!」


2024/04/27 (Sat)
WoW Wikiから転載。

Killing Nalorakk (bear) will add 15 minutes to your timer. 
Killing Akil'zon (eagle) will add 10 minutes to your timer. 
Other bosses will not grant additional time. 

First hostage will give a random piece of armor (iLvl 128). 
Second hostage will give a random weapon (iLvl 132). 
Third hostage will give a random ring (iLvl 141). 
Fourth hostage will always give the [Amani War Bear]

俺は,Bear Mountってボスのレアドロップかなんかと思ってたんですが,,w

The following would be a typical timed event:

20:00 Head towards Eagle boss. 
19:00 Start the gauntlet. AoE the eagles as soon as they arrive. DOT the Amani'shi Warriors
16:30 Pull the Amani'shi Tempest as soon as possible to stop spawns. 
15:30 Pull Akil'zon
12:15 Akil'zon dead. You gain 10 min on the timer. 
22:15 Move to the bear boss. 
19:00 Skip two out of three Amani Bear packs. Hug the left wall. Chain pull. 
14:30 Pull Nalorakk. All out dps. 
11:30 Nalorakk dies. You gain 15 min on timer. 
26:30 Head to the Dragonhawk boss. Take the left path, avoid the bird packs to the right. Stun/root all Scouts
19:30 Pull Jan'alai
19:00 Kill one of the Amani'shi Hatchers and let the remaining one hatch some eggs. 
16:00 Aim for having the boss at 40% when the third set of Hatchers arrive. 
14:30 Jan'alai dies. No bonus time. Go towards Lynx boss. 
13:30 AoE the Amani Lynx Cubs
11:30 Amani Lynx packs: Single target dmg on one, after that AoE. 
08:00 Let your mage spellsteal the Amani'shi Flame Caster for some extra dps. 
03:30 Pull Halazzi. If everything went well, you have 3 min to kill him. 
00:30 Enjoy your bear mount. 

Another viable strategy for low DPS groups on Akil'zon is to skip the gauntlet and do it in reverse. In this strategy, SS a resurrecting class, mount up run past all the elites and eagles. When you reach to the platform of Akil'zon, hug the left wall without aggroing him and die in the left balcony. There, the SS'd resurrecting class should use his SS and start to res up people starting from the other resurrecting classes. After everybody is resurrected and restored to full health/mana, start with pulling the Amani'shi Tempest first so you won't have any eagles.

This way, even a low DPS group can almost guarantee at least 1 chest. It also gives enough time to recover from a wipe and still go for the chest if that should happen.

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